00 14/10/2010 14:49
Film carino, molta azione,concordo con andrea sulla linearita' della trama, ma forse per noi "abituati" a certi ragionamenti è piu' semplice capire determinati concetti.

Cito le conclusioni "spoilerate" da un sito web in lingua inglese:

"The ending of Inception is meant to leave you thinking and questioning the nature of reality. The important question is not “Is Cobb still dreaming?” – What is important is the fact that the character of Cobb goes from being a guy who is obsessed with “knowing what’s real” to ultimately being a person who stops questioning and accepts what makes him truly happy as what’s real.

Throughout the film, Cobb continues to obsess about spinning the top and verifying reality – however, at the end of movie, he spins the top and walks away from it before he can verify if it stops spinning or not. His kids come running in and Cobb could care less about the top or “true reality” or extraction/inception anymore. He just wants to be with his children, in whatever place he can be with them. That emotional connection and desire is “reality” enough for him."

Per concludere, il russare dello spettatore non è stato poi cosi' fastidioso, anzi era in tema con il film. [SM=x431260]
[Modificato da SHARDBOVERI 14/10/2010 14:50]