Arrivederci, Silvio

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00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 09:47
Editoriale di ieri del Financial Times
Seven years ago Silvio Berlusconis doctor described the Italian prime minister, then 67 years old, as technically, almost immortal.
At times the billionaire media mogul appears politically almost indestructible as well.
But just as the good doctors remark contained more than a touch of exaggeration, so Mr Berlusconispolitical careeris certain one day to come to an end.
It would be best for his nation, and for the European Union, if that moment arrived now rather than later.
A Milan judge is expected to rule this week on whether Mr Berlusconi shouldstand trialon charges ofpaying for sex with an under-aged nightclub dancerand using his power to free her from a prison where she was held on suspicion of theft.
There can be few democracies where a prime minister caught up in such an affair would not tender his resignation to spare his government and country difficulties while he sought to clear his name.
But as the tale of Ruby the Heart-Stealer is teaching us, this is not Mr Berlusconis style.

Mr Berlusconi calls himself a victim of persecution byleftwing prosecutorsand judges bent on reversing the electorates verdict and overthrowing him in a judicialcoup dtat.
His complaint has merit only in the sense that his centre-left opponents, a jumble of ex-communists, progressive Christian Democrats, Greens and others, are so weak that the courts often look like the real opposition.
Nonetheless Mr Berlusconis departure need not present a problem: Italys centre-right could easily find a replacement in its ranks.
By remaining at his post, he ensures that Italys name will continue to be dragged through the mud under the relentless spotlight of the international media.
He ensures that his centre-right coalition government, with its lack of a reliable parliamentary majority, will be distracted from its tasks and incapable of vigorous action at a time when Europes sovereign debt crisis is far from over.
Lastly, he ensures that the EU looks foolish and hypocritical in delivering lectures to Egypt, Tunisia and other non-European countries on how to govern themselves when it contains such a supreme example of misgovernment at its heart.
Italy has numerous fine public servants, ranging from Giorgio Napolitano, its head of state, to Mario Draghi, its central bank governor.
They do honour to their country and represent the Italian nation at its best.
Mr Berlusconi does not, and his refusal to do the right thing and step down is nothing short of shameful.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 11:18
Re: Editoriale di ieri del Financial Times
Gronda, 15/02/2011 9.47:

Nonetheless Mr Berlusconis departure need not present a problem: Italys centre-right could easily find a replacement in its ranks.

Solo questa frase basta a comprendere quanto poco gli inglesi capiscano dell'italia e contemporaneamente a rendere inutili le 30 righe che precedono e seguono questo concetto.

Ci sono cose che un inglese non può capire, una di queste è la politica italiana.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 11:19
Re: Re: Editoriale di ieri del Financial Times
Uait, 15/02/2011 11.18:

Ci sono cose che un inglese non può capire, una di queste è la politica italiana.

Fortunati loro.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 11:20
Lo so, io amo gli inglesi.
Quello è uno dei motivi.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 11:47
Re: Editoriale di ieri del Financial Times
Gronda, 15/02/2011 9.47:

It would be best for his nation, and for the European Union, if that moment arrived now rather than later.

[SM=p2241533] anzi ... quotissimo.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 15:19
ELLEKAPPA - leggetelo partendo dal basso....
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Diliberto:"Berlusconi prima si dimetta e poi si faccia giudicare" –
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IDV:" Prima si faccia giudicare e poi si dimetta" –
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Processo, parti lese sono ministero Interno e Karima – Ancora non si sa però quale legale affiancherà la giovane Ruby, dopo che ben due legali, Luca Giuliante e Massimo Dinoia, dopo aver letto i verbali di Berlusconi con le minorenni -colti da nausea - hanno rimesso il mandato

Il Premier giudicato da collegio di tre donne – Inevitabilmente faziose, non essendo state selezionate da Fede e Mora

11:37Berlusconi rinviato a giudizio per entrambi i reati – "Non ci aspettavamo niente di diverso" commentano i legali del Premier. Del resto loro sanno esattamente cosa ha commesso il loro cliente.
00martedì 15 febbraio 2011 16:32

Comunque dal titolo del thread mi avevi illuso ... speravo se ne fosse andato. [SM=g27822]
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